Knowing how your walls are built can significantly improve your living environment.

Knowing how your walls are built can significantly improve your living environment.
When you buy a house, you look at a lot of things before you make the all-important purchase decision…You look at the building, exterior, interiors, flooring, painting, bathroom faucets, kitchen fittings, so many…but few give a thought to walls…understandably, walls are an essential but easily ignored feature of a house. But knowing how a wall can drastically improve your living condition can be a definite eye opener…
A lot of time and materials go into building a house’s walls and all that structure is covered up when the project is finished - out of sight and out of mind. Yet decisions about wall construction have consequences that last as long as the building does, including how much maintenance it will need, how energy efficient the envelope will be, and how difficult the structure will be to repair or modify.
Wall and roof are the most significant building component in a house. The walling materials can determine the cost of the building as well as the total life cycle cost of a dwelling unit.
Making use of the locally available materials and by selection of more efficient material or by an improved design can lead to substantial cost control. Use of energy efficient materials which consumes less energy like hollow clay blocks can lead to substantial savings in the buildings energy consumption…
Using light weight walling material can also contribute significantly to cost reduction during construction by saving valuable time and man hours during the construction phase…leading to increased speed of construction and eventual early hand over.
Your home is your sanctuary, a place of comfort and security, a place for privacy and relaxation. It is the haven that you come to, leaving behind the toils of the day’s work at office, where your children sleep peacefully in a comfortable environment… hence the atmosphere inside your home becomes a very important factor to consider while choosing an apartment or a house.
The material with which the walls of your home are constructed can go a long way in creating the right comfort and ambience for you and your family.Porotherm clay bricks have perforations as an integral design component to allow better thermal insulation, keeping your home naturally cooler than homes made from other conventional walling materials. These specialized bricks safeguard you from the noise and dust outside, making your home a quieter and cleaner place to live in while at the same time helping you conserve energy.
Cool Brick - Give your family cool and comfortable in-door climate throughout the year irrespective of the weather outside. Porotherm, with its webbed/perforated design gives you better thermal insulation (lower U-Value) lowering the inside temperatures of your home considerably. You can feel the difference the minute you walk into your home from outside. Feel refreshed and comforted with the natural cooling wall – Wienerberger's Porotherm Clay Walls.
Green Brick - A 100% natural product providing quality construction – Safe & Healthy. Rated by both Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) & GRIHA, the top most authorities on Green Buildings in India, Porotherm bricks are known for the environment friendly manufacturing process using clay from de-silting tanks and mixing by-products of other industries like coal ash, granite slurry and rice husk. This makes Porotherm the only brick in India with Green Building certifications. Being a natural product devoid of any chemical usage, Porotherm contributes to a healthier indoor environment.
Light Weight Brick - Being almost 60% less weight than concrete blocks, Porotherm improves speed of construction without compromising on quality and safety. The light weight gives Porotherm the added advantage of improving the speed of construction, thereby ensuring faster project completion and handover. The bricks are cost-effective as well, since one Porotherm brick is equal to the space occupied by nine small ordinary bricks, leading to less mortar usage, making Porotherm a favorite with builders and architects alike.
Easy Brick – It is very simple to install appliances & fixtures on to the Porotherm walls with minimal effort. The only recommendation is to use a drilling machine as opposed to a hammer while making a hole onto the wall. The most effective techniques for fixing different types of loads ranging from LCD TVs to Kitchen cabinets to water Geysers in the bath room, have been described in detail in the following section. Over 30,000 apartment buildings constructed across South India.
Strong Brick – Extremely good compressive strength makes the brick robust and long lasting. The strength of the Porotherm bricks is comparable and, in many cases, better than the conventional walling materials, making the brick a very safe and quality product for your walls.
Quality Brick – Wienerberger follows stringent quality testing processes for each batch of Porotherm bricks manufactured on a daily basis at the hi-tech one-of-a kind laboratory at our Kunigal manufacturing unit, 70 Kms from Bangalore. In India, this is the only brick manufacturing facility having such an in-house laboratory and the only brand which gives the date and batch number on each and every individual brick. The company maintains records of all bricks manufactured and any irregularity in the product could be traced back to its manufacturing batch. Such careful quality control practices are rarely practiced by any other brick manufacturer or other conventional walling products.
Moreover, Porotherm Clay Bricks are regularly tested from reputed external laboratories as third party testing procedure, thus ensuring you the finest quality, matching global standards.